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Pompey Rich's Educational Emporium (est in the year 10,191)

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A local shop full of precious things


Revision notes for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Three pages PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION – THE PROBLEM OF EVIL “the rock of atheism” Logical problem of evil Inconsistent triad Epicurus Hume J.L. MACKIE AUGUSTINE Moral evil Natural evil Criticisms and responses Theodicy True theodicy Augustinian Theodicy Original Sin LOGICAL ERROR F.D.E. Schleiermacher creation ex nihilo SCIENTIFIC ERROR MORAL ERROR Freewill Defence ALVIN PLANTINGA SWINBURNE + HICK FLEW Irenaean Theodicy “Then God said ‘they will be like us and resemble us” Omnipotent God Hick DZ PHILLIPS Process theology SWINBURNE GUTIERREZ Liberation theology Pandeism Christian Science MARY BAKER EDDY HUME “Why is there any misery in the world?” Divine Command Theory PETER GEACH Animal suffering ALBERT CAMUS DOSTOEVSKY NIETZSCHE ‘Beyond Good and Evil’


Revision for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Five pages ARGUMENTS FROM OBSERVATION **TELEOLOGICAL ARGUMENT ** AQUINAS’ Fifth Way STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES PALEY FLEW TENNANT COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT ARISTOTLE AQUINAS Summa Theologica Hawking + Hartle Big Bang + Big Crunch LEIBNIZ Criticisms of cosmological argument: Hume: Fallacy of composition Anthropomorphology A posteriori vs a priori ARGUMENTS FROM REASON ONTOLOGICAL ARGUMENT ANSELM GAUNILO OF MARMOUTIER DESCARTES’ Triangle Cartesian doubt COGITO ERGO SUM KANT SYNTHETIC HYPOTHESIS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Russell Key issues:
REVISION: Developments in Christian Thought - "KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S EXISTENCE"

REVISION: Developments in Christian Thought - "KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S EXISTENCE"

Revision notes for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Five pages DCT – FOUNDATIONS KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S EXISTENCE NATURAL KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S EXISTENCE REVEALED KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S EXISTENCE ARE NATURAL AND REVEALED KNOWLEDGE OF GOD THE SAME? THE PERSON OF JESUS CHRIST **JESUS’ AUTHORITY AS THE SON OF GOD **Jesus’ divinity expressed in his knowledge of God ** Jesus’ divinity expressed in his miracles **Jesus’ divinity expressed in his resurrection ** JESUS’ AUTHORITY A TEACHER OF WISDOM **Jesus’ moral teaching on repentance + forgiveness ** Jesus’ moral teaching on inner purity + moral motivation **How are Jesus’ teachings useful to an atheist? ** JESUS’ AUTHORITY AS A LIBERATOR Jesus’ role expressed in his challenge to political authority ** Jesus’ role expressed in his challenge to religious authority
REVISION: Developments in Christian Thought - "GENDER AND SOCIETY"

REVISION: Developments in Christian Thought - "GENDER AND SOCIETY"

Revision notes for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Seven pages DCT – SOCIETY GENDER + SOCIETY Key terms: Feminism Gender biology Gender identification Gender expression Socialisation Patriarchal society Gender dysphoria Misogyny EFFECTS OF CHANGING VIEWS ON GENDER + GENDER ROLES IN CHRISTIANITY Roles of men + women in family and society: Hermeneutics Genesis 1 Both genders reflect nature of God Genesis 2: “no suitable helper” Implied inferiority ‘Helper’ depends on translation Genesis 3: Eve tempted by serpent Women weaker will than men Men shouldn’t let women take lead in decision-making Ephesians 5: “Wives, submit yourselves" Husbands must love their wives like their own bodies Paul Cultural norms of 1st century Rome Patriarchal society Comparisons to Church + Christ’s relationship 1 Peter 3: ‘weaker sex’ 1 Timothy 2: women must learn in silence + never assume authority over man ‘Head’ in Greek also translates to source of life ‘MULIERIS DIGNITATEM’ JOHN PAUL II Response to rise of feminism Virgin Mary recognised as theotokos Gender roles Mariage is mutual relationship of equals Genesis 2 Women shouldn’t take on male roles “Feminine originality” Motherhood + parenthood “The woman’s part” Cultural shift in attitudes to women Rejects feminist criticisms (eg de Beauvir + Frieden) motherhood demeaning to women MARY THE MODEL OF MOTHERHOOD Special value God place on motherhood MYSTERY OF GENERATION Mystery inherent in Trinity ‘sincere gift of self’ Man +woman ‘one flesh’ MUTUALITY “Special debt to the woman” ACTIVE MOTHERHOOD Different types of family: "Intact families Blended family relationships CATECHISM OF CATHOLIC CHURCH: “does not tolerate ‘trial marriages’” Christian responses to contemporary secular views about roles of men + women in family and society Conservative Protestant Christian responses Biblical theology is timeless Gender roles: Purely biological, not product of culture Foucault KATY RUDY Gender roles illustrate power the ‘Right’ in American politics + society Mistrust of socially liberal ideologies Feminism cause of family breakdowns Men + women created equal but different Complementarianism Motherhood + parenthood: Woman’s role ‘domestic haven’ Christian home place of refuge, love, peace Eve = ‘mother of all living’ Paul: husband must provide for family Different types of family: Critical of feminism, cohabitation + same-sex relationships Feminism has led to eroticisation Foucault Couples expect too much from relationships Christianity values permanency Relationships too private + egocentric Christian family should look outwards Same-sex parents not truly Christian


Revision notes for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Three pages KANTIAN ETHICS Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) • Summum Bonum • 3 Postulates • Goodwill • Categorical Imperative: (MUST) • Hypothetical Imperative: (IF…THEN) • Ought • Reason: • Duty: • 3 Maxims Table comparing STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES